Sample circuit sets to accompany a number of leading electronics textbooks have been provided to you with your copy of the CircuitLogix Student Version. They are:
- Boylestad, Electronic Devices 9e, 2006, PH,
- Boylestad, Introductory Circuit Analysis 11e, 2007, PH
- Floyd, Electronic Circuit Fundamentals 7e, 2007, PH
- Floyd, Principles of Electric Circuits 8e, 2007, PH
- Paynter, Introductory Devices and Circuits 7e, 2006, PH
- Tocci, Digital Systems and Applications 10e, 2007, PH
- Meade, Foundations of Electronics 5e, 2007, Delmar
- Gates, Introduction to Electronics 5e, 2007, Delmar
Each circuit set includes approximately 100 sample circuit files. These sample circuits have been selected to present major examples used by the author of these textbooks to convey important concepts in the content. These circuit files allow you to experiment with these important ideas using the CircuitLogix electronic circuit simulator and to master these concepts.
Once you have installed CircuitLogix on your computer you can find the circuit set file folders for each of these books on your C drive at C: Cirlogix.